Privacy policy


DECREE LAW No. 196 dated 30/06/2003

OFFICIAL GAZETTE NO. 174 - S.O. No. 123/L published on 29/07/2003

In accordance with Decree Law No. 196 dated June 30, 2003 ("Code of laws for protection of confidentiality of personal data"), we inform you that everyone has the right to the confidentiality and protection of his or her own personal data. This consolidation act hereinafter referred to as the "code of personal data privacy laws", guarantees that your personal data will be processed in respect of the fundamental rights and liberties and dignity of the party involved with particular respect to privacy, personal identity, and the right to confidentiality of personal information.

We provide the principal rules of the code introduced to ensure both the maximum transparency of information and the maximum protection of your personal data below.

As per Art. 7 of the above-mentioned code, we list the rights of the party involved:

1. The party involved has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or absence of his or her personal data - even if such have not yet been registered - and the intelligible communication of such data.

2. The party involved has the right to obtain indication of:

a) the origin of such personal data;

b) the means by and ends for which such data is processed;

c) the type of logic applied in the case of electronic data processing;

d) the identification data of the holder, the persons in charge, and the designated representative of the processors of your personal data as per Article 5, paragraph 2;

e) the parties or categories to whom such personal data can be disclosed or who may come to the knowledge of the same in their role as designated representatives or parties in charge in the Italian territory.

3. The party involved has the right to obtain:

a) the updating, correction, or whenever deemed necessary, the integration of such data;

b) the cancellation, transformation in anonymous form or freezing of data processed in violation of the law, including data which do not require conservation in regard to the purpose for which they were originally acquired or subsequently processed;

c) certification that the operations in Letters a) and b) were brought to the awareness, even as regards their content, of those to whom these data were originally communicated or disclosed, except in the case when this proves to be impossible or requires the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the right being protected.

4. The party involved has the right to totally or partially oppose:

a) for legitimate reasons the processing of his or her personal data, even when pertinent to the purpose of acquisition;

b) the processing of personal data that regards the transmission of advertising or direct sale material, market research or commercial communication.

According to Art. 9 of the above-mentioned code, the means for the exercise of such rights are listed below:

1. The request addressed to the holder or person in charge of the processing of personal data can be transmitted also by registered letter, telefax or e-mail. The privacy guarantor can also indicate other suitable systems of transmission provided by new technological solutions. When the exercise of the rights in Article 7, paragraphs 1 and 2 are involved, the request can also be formulated orally and in such case transcribed in summarised form by the person in charge.

2. In the exercise of the rights specified in Article 7, the party involved can grant power of representation in written form or power of attorney to individual persons, agencies, and associations or organisational bodies. The party involved can also request the assistance of a trusted person.

3. The rights in Article 7 regarding the personal data of deceased persons can be exercised by those who have an adequately justified personal interest, those who act in the best interest of the party involved or those acting in spirit of family protection.

4. The identity of the party involved is checked on the basis of suitable elements of assessment and through the legal deeds or documents available or the display or the enclosure of a copy of a personal identification document. The party acting on behalf of the party involved presents or encloses a copy of the power of attorney or the written assignment of right of representation signed in the presence of the respective person in charge or signed and presented together with a non-authenticated photocopy of a personal identification document of the person involved. If the party involved is a juridical person, an agency or association, the request is filed by the physical person empowered for such operation by the respective corporate rules or by-laws.

5. The request in Article 7 paragraphs 1 and 2 is formulated freely and without constriction and can be renewed, barring the existence of justified reasons, after no less than ninety days.

As per Art. 11 of this code, we list the following general rules for the processing of personal data:

1. the personal data processed are:

a) processed lawfully and correctly;

b) acquired and recorded for precise, explicit and legitimate reasons, and utilised in other processing operations in terms compatible with such reasons;

c) exact and updated whenever necessary;

d) pertinent, complete and not excessive in regard to the reason for which they were originally acquired or subsequently processed;

e) conserved in a form that permits the identification of the party involved for a period of time no longer than the time required by the reason for which such data were originally acquired or subsequently processed.

2. Personal data processed in violation of the regulations governing the processing of personal data cannot be utilised.

According to the laws and regulations in force and the content of Art. 13 of the code of laws, we provide the following informative note:

a- the data provided will be processed for purposes of permitting the transfer of tourism information and/or reservations through this Internet site.

When specially approved by expressing consent in the respective box, data can also be used for the transmission of messages of informative and/or commercial character (e.g. newsletters). Such consent can be subsequently withdrawn in any moment through communication from the party involved.

Personal data will be processed electronically.

b- The supply of the data absolutely required to make reservations is compulsory.

c- The data will be disclosed exclusively to the parties required for the execution of the reservation contract (for the hotel or restaurant selected, for example) and not disclosed further.

An updated list of the persons in charge of the processing of personal data is always provided in this Website in Point d) below.

d- The holder of the personal data is Mr. Antonio Urbani - Marco Aria

Company legal representative: Marco Aria

Company address: Quadrata s.r.l. - Via delle Quattro Fontane, 15 - 00184 - Roma

The person in charge of processing the personal data is Mr. Antonio Urbani

The rights provided in Art. 7 of this code of laws can be exercised in regard to the holder and person in charge of the personal data using the methods provided in Art. 9 in any moment whatsoever by contacting the former directly at:

Tel: +39.0642012340

Fax: +39.0642020899


Mailing address: Quadrata s.r.l. - Via delle Quattro Fontane, 15 - 00184 - Roma

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